After the sample from the affected area, was then examined by a pathologist in the laboratory retained. A pathologist is a physician who examined tissues, blood and body fluids to diagnose disease. The test comes in the laboratory with the information about the patient, along with a description of the side of the body, from which the sample was collected. The pathologist examines the sample and then he / she provides a description of the fabric has. The fabric is thenstored in a suitable container.
Unfortunately, in the case of mesothelioma is difficult, the disease is by watching the cells of the fluid around the lungs, abdomen or the heart to diagnose collected through a microscope. An examination of the liquid can result in unreliable and inconclusive, and therefore have limited value. It is also difficult to pick up the disease from the tissue through the use of needles diagnosis, crops because of small sample size. When aMicroscope mesothelioma cells resemble other types of cancer. For example, it is difficult to distinguish between pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer. In addition, the cells in the peritoneal mesothelioma and ovarian cancer cells are very similar when viewed through a microscope. Therefore, needle biopsies are an effective method for the diagnosis of mesothelioma. An electron microscope is a very powerful microscope, the cells may increase by 100 times the normal microscope (lightMicroscope). The electron can therefore produce more reliable results.
However, further tests and techniques are usually performed to distinguish mesothelioma from other cancers such as lung cancer. Immunohistochemistry is a test in which cell types are identified on the basis of various proteins on the cell surface. This test uses the techniques to identify the types of chemical substances (markers) that are contained in mesothelioma, too. In the past, the nature of chemicalsUsed (marker) to differentiate mesothelioma from lung cancer were "marker negative".
Pathologist who was tried markers in lung cancer, and not in mesothelioma. So, if there is, this meant that the individual has had lung cancer. This made the diagnosis difficult to confirm. Today is the "positive markers are used, where, if we find some markers, means that cells belonging to mesothelioma. The analysis of DNA microarray is a new test, to be executedgene structure among different cancers.