Mesothelioma treatment options depend on many internal factors, such as: stage, location, and the patient's age and desires. Important external factors are not taken into account the experience of the oncologist with mesothelioma, and if rural residents were transferred to a larger city for aggressive treatment or palliative care.
The survival of patients and leads up to a year, while some of the major cancer centers reported life expectancy afterDiagnosis as another five years.
Imaging tests allow doctors to see a picture of the cancer to be. These tests may include X-rays, CT (computed tomography) or MRI (Magnetic Resonance).
New screening tool: testing Mesomark
The Food and Drug Administration has just (January 2007), the world's first in vitro test for mesothelioma. Test test Mesomark developed by Fujirebio Diagnosticsis administered to patients with two or epithelioid mesothelioma diagnosed by a simple blood test. The test measures the protein in the blood that reflect changes in tumor cells of the patient, the volume, an important factor for monitoring patient status and response to therapy.
Types of traditional treatment
Surgery, removal of the whole lung and part of breastfeeding, the diaphragm and part of the bag around theHeart.
Thoracoscopy is the insertion of an endoscope, a narrow tube with a small Camerium in the chest cavity to look directly at the tumor. Pathologists perform a biopsy to collect a tissue. Often, chemical pleurodesis (intrapleural drainage of fluids in space), can be performed during the same procedure.
Mediastinoscopy, a different type of surgical incision is sometimes used to measure the extent of the disease stage extended toNodes are seen using imaging techniques.
Laproscopy in mesothelioma patients when used imaging techniques to show that the tumor has penetrated through the diaphragm. This information is important for evaluating a patient for potential pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy.
Radiation therapy (using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.
Radiation - Although mesothelioma tumors are veryresistant to radiotherapy, these treatments are often used to relieve the symptoms of tumor growth, such as obstruction of major vessels too.
Radiotherapy is commonly applied to the sites of chest drain, to prevent the growth of tumor along the track in the chest wall.
Chemotherapy - is used to stop cancer cells grow and divide.
Immunotherapy: heated intraoperativeIntraperitoneal chemotherapy requires the removal of the tumor as possible through the direct administration has followed a heated exchange between (40 and 48 ° C) chemotherapy in the abdomen for 60 to 120 minutes and then drained.
Palliative procedures
T Pleuroperitoneal Shun is a procedure where a catheter is placed under the skin of the pleura, the abdominal cavity. This procedure of concern, because the catheter may cause damageStick in the stomach.
Pleurectomy, palliative procedures can be performed major surgery if it is not an option. The procedure is not possible to eliminate all cancers. E ', considered the most effective means to control the pleural effusion (fluid-structure) in cases where the expansion of the lung is limited by mesothelioma.
Potentially curative procedures
These procedures are carried out with the healingIntent.
Pleurectomy / peeling) is generally selected patients with early stage pleural disease (stage I and stage II, and tries to remove all gross tumors.
Extrapleural pneumonectomy is a surgical procedure in a diseased lung, part of the pericardium, the membrane and part of the parietal pleura to remove. This type of surgery is often used for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma and is combined with conventional chemotherapyand / or radiotherapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy or photodynamic therapy.
Cytoreductive surgery removes the visible tumor in the abdomen. The remaining cancer cells by intra-peritoneal hyperthermic (treaties heated) Chemotherapy (IPHC), and then delivered into the abdominal cavity.
New or experimental therapies
Gene therapy: the most well-known tumor suppressor gene called p53. When this gene is damaged or missingOncogenes or cancer genes are proliferating at an abnormal pace. The focus of gene therapy for mesothelioma involves the injection of a virus that has changed in the laboratory. The virus is in the pleural cavity in the chest, where mesothelioma develops as an attempt to kill cancer cells injected.
Drug or vaccine therapy
Patients suffering from mesothelioma have a much higher percentage of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a chemical control, like a human blood vesselwith any other type of cancer. Studies are underway to determine whether VEGF can be blocked to stop the growth of blood vessels that feed the cancer mesothelioma.
Bevacizumab is a drug, the vaccine is currently in use. A study recently reported that this drug may increase the survival time of patients with lung cancer. A U.S. Phase 2 trial testing Avastin mesothelioma, in combination with chemotherapeutic agents. Bevacizumab is still undergoing testing and much larger studies are neededbefore knowing how to be effective in the treatment of mesothelioma and other cancers.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
In photodynamic therapy, a drug called a photosensitizing agent is injected into the blood and body cells, the cells do not absorb light-sensitive. If the surface is treated, exposed to laser light, killing the cells. PDT must be combined with surgery to treat patients in the early stages of mesothelioma. PDTstill under test and passes very experimental.
Trials and approval
Presenting clinical trials, research from a variety of people with cancer. The National Cancer Institute, the goal of most clinical trials listed in the development of new cancer treatments or new methods of diagnostic testing, screening or cancer prevention.
Prerequisites for clinical trials are not identical, each study has specific guidelines forParticipation. Some studies allow participation after other treatments have failed, while others require that the patient has no prior treatment. The choice of a trial should be done only after a medical consultation.
Prevention study - examining the possibility of reducing the risk or the possibility of getting cancer. Prevention trials, with the majority of healthy people who had not made the cancer. These experiments drugs, vitamins and diet to reduce the risk of cancer. Studies haveconducted with people who had cancer and who want to prevent the return of the tumor (relapse), or reduce the likelihood of developing a new type of cancer.
Screening studies - study ways to detect cancer. They are often conducted to determine if the cancer before finding the causes of symptoms, the possibility of dying from the disease. These studies involve people who have no sign of cancer.
Diagnosis Cancer Trials - the development of new tests orScans
Clinical trials - studies of new drugs or combinations of drugs, new treatment modalities and new forms of treatment
Quality of life trials explore ways to improve comfort and quality of life of cancer patients and cancer survivors. These experiments can explore ways to help people who have experienced nausea, vomiting, insomnia, depression or other effects of cancer and its treatment.
Studying the genetics Trials --are sometimes part of another clinical trial on cancer. The focus on genetics as part of the study the genetic make-up is possible, detection, diagnosis, or affect the response to treatment of cancer.
Clinical trials are conducted in 4 stages:
Phase 1 studies assess whether a process is safe and therapeutic substance has no harmful effects and evidence, the correct dosage is needed.
Phase 2 studies examine the effectiveness ofTreatment.
3 studies testing a new treatment against the current standard therapy. If it offers better results, can become the new standard of treatment.
Phase 4 studies are conducted after a drug has been approved. Collect information about side effects, safety and long-term risks and benefits of a drug.
Ongoing research efforts to improve the treatment options of mesothelioma, but clinical trials are not all lead to new and betterTreatment. After the test, you may find that the treatment tested, not working, or even worse side affects than existing treatments. But it will keep researchers and physicians, and ultimately, for patients, it is important to this research.
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